Wait Strategies
Note that the startup timeout of all wait strategies is configurable:
const { GenericContainer } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withStartupTimeout(120000) // wait 120s
Listening ports
The default wait strategy used by Testcontainers. It will wait up to 60 seconds for the container's mapped network ports to be bound.
const { GenericContainer } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
It can be set explicitly but is not required:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
Log output
Wait until the container has logged a message:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forLogMessage("Ready to accept connections"))
With a regular expression:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forLogMessage(/Listening on port \d+/))
Wait until the container has logged a message a number of times:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forLogMessage("Listening on port 8080", 2))
Health check
Wait until the container's health check is successful:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
Define your own health check:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost || exit 1"],
interval: 1000,
timeout: 3000,
retries: 5,
startPeriod: 1000
Note that interval
, timeout
, retries
and startPeriod
are optional as they are inherited from the image or parent image if omitted.
To execute the test with a shell use the form ["CMD-SHELL", "command"]
["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost:8000 || exit 1"]
To execute the test without a shell, use the form: ["CMD", "command", "arg1", "arg2"]
. This may be needed when working with distroless images:
["CMD", "/usr/bin/wget", "--no-verbose", "--tries=1", "--spider", "http://localhost:8080/hello-world"]
Wait for an HTTP request to satisfy a condition. By default, it will wait for a 200 response:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("redis")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8080))
For status code
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8080)
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8080)
.forStatusCodeMatching(statusCode => statusCode === 201))
For response body
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8080)
.forResponsePredicate(response => response === "OK"))
Custom request
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8080)
.withHeaders({ X_CUSTOM_VALUE: "custom" })
.withBasicCredentials("username", "password")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8443)
Insecure TLS
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8443)
Shell command
Wait until a shell command returns a successful exit code:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forSuccessfulCommand("stat /tmp/app.lock"))
Multiple wait strategies can be chained together:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
Wait.forLogMessage("Ready to accept connections")
The composite wait strategy by default will respect each individual wait strategy's startup timeout. For example:
const w1 = Wait.forListeningPorts().withStartupTimeout(1000);
const w2 = Wait.forLogMessage("READY").withStartupTimeout(2000);
const composite = Wait.forAll([w1, w2])
The startup timeout of inner wait strategies that have not defined their own startup timeout can be set by setting the startup timeout on the composite:
const w1 = Wait.forListeningPorts().withStartupTimeout(1000);
const w2 = Wait.forLogMessage("READY");
const composite = Wait.forAll([w1, w2]).withStartupTimeout(2000)
The startup timeout of all wait strategies can be controlled by setting a deadline on the composite. In this case, the composite will throw unless all inner wait strategies have resolved before the deadline.
const w1 = Wait.forListeningPorts();
const w2 = Wait.forLogMessage("READY");
const composite = Wait.forAll([w1, w2]).withDeadline(2000)
Other startup strategies
If these options do not meet your requirements, you can subclass StartupCheckStrategy
and use Dockerode
, which is the underlying Docker client used by Testcontainers:
const Dockerode = require("dockerode");
const {
} = require("testcontainers");
class ReadyAfterDelayWaitStrategy extends StartupCheckStrategy {
public checkStartupState(dockerClient: Dockerode, containerId: string): Promise<StartupStatus> {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve("SUCCESS"), 3000));
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withWaitStrategy(new ReadyAfterDelayWaitStrategy())